Against Step


8 channel video installation
(1 HD video projection, 14’ in loop, 8 video at TV in variable lengths: 1’05” to 4’01” in loop)
CRT TV, projector, media player, rear projection
Installation size variable

逆踏是一個身體修練,去透過不斷變換身體的表現 (腳步接觸地面的方式、身體的精神狀態、有意識的小動作*),從而避過「步態識別」的監控 (這是一種對人的慣性和肢體動作辨識身份的系統)。諷刺地監控系統想把人識別,又可再而評分,把人物化地分類,而逆踏是藉著一種以放棄個人特質,捨棄自我的修練,進行一種不被定義,持續抗爭之踏舞。作品由日常手機拍下的路人短片發展而成。

Against Step refers to an experimental practice for the human body, developed by Yim in collaboration with the dancer. By constantly and intentionally altering one’s patterns of movement, this technique eludes gait recognition, a pervasive technology that tracks individuals by identifying habitual motions and limb movements from a distance. In the installation, one sees a projection of the dancer practising “against step” juxtaposed with everyday footage of the subtle bodily movements of passers-by as captured
by a mobile phone and looped on CRT TVs. Yet a paradox lies at the heart of this apparently fascinating practice: in order to evade surveillance in the pursuit of freedom, the practitioner winds up having to abandon the most human of traits.


演出 : 梁天尺

錄像 : 張才生

攝影及空間設計 :  童昭安

剪接及混音 : 嚴瑞芳


performer : Leung Tin-chak

videographer : Samson Cheung

photographer & spatial design : Mono Tung

editing & sound mix : Yim Sui Fong

exhibition view


△展演 △Performative Commons (2020)


Assembly of Disquiet (2019)