Sound from the North


7 whistles, sound performance by pigeons
location: Victoria Park, Hong Kong


時值討論推行國歌法,我剛好研究鴿哨發音的原理,於是選了一首歌的最後一句,請專人把七個代表七個音符的鴿哨扣在維多利亞公園的野鴿的羽毛上。然後等待鴿子隨意飛翔或歸巢。我邀請觀眾於六月至十月期間到上址去體驗這個要耐心等待,難以預料的演出。「音樂即自由」— 坂本龍一

Sound from the north

There were discussion to launch the national anthem law in Hong Kong while I was studying the principle of sound making of a whistle. One day, I invited a pigeon master to fit seven whistles represents seven notes on the wild pigeons in Hong Kong Victoria Park. These musical notes are from the last sentence of a song. And then I let the pigeons perform the sound at their own way and own time. In this work, I invited the audience to go to Victoria Park from 2017 June to October (until the whistle fell off when the feather renewed), to wait and hear this unpredictable sound performance. “music is freedom.” - Sakamoto Ryūichi


黑鳥島 Black Bird Island (2017)


語錄 Quotations (2019)